Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Blog #23: Reflective Prompts...the last blog (wow already?)

Reflective Prompts

1. What are your plans as a writer (how do you expect to use writing in your future)?
My plans as a writer are to simply continuing writing. I’ve always had a knack for creativity and story telling and so I won’t stop now. Writing will always be part of me whether it’s teaching or writing for my own pleasure. I do hope to write more non-fiction since I was exposed to it and enjoy it.

2. Describe any changes in your writing style.
There have been some changes in my writing style. Instead of just writing fiction stories, I have learned how to write nonfiction. I also started to write more reflections and thoughts rather than just a story.

3. Describe any changes in your writing process.
When it comes to writing, my main goal is to get my idea down on paper or word before I forget. Once I come up with an idea I just run with it. I like to write a rough draft and print it out. After I print it, I can reread it and make corrections and some suggestions. I like having my essays in my hands because I feel its more effective this way. It helps me see what parts are good and what parts need work. In terms of change I really don’t think there was a change; I mean I didn’t have a writing journal until this class. I just stare at the blinking cursor until an idea pops into my head. So a writing journal is something new and i plan to keep it handy in case i ever have the urge to write.

4. Describe any changes in your attitude toward/interest in/understanding of writing in general, and CNF in particular.
Writing in general can be tedious or fun. It really depends on the topic and what its for. For instance, writing a term paper can be extremely tedious especially if the topic is boring. However with this class we were really allowed to write about whatever we wanted as long as it fit the guidelines. I really liked that because I feel if given a choice, the effort and the result would be stronger. I still like writing and plan to continue writing whenever the free time comes around. Creative nonfiction was something I was never exposed to before. I was nervous in the beginning because I wasn’t sure if I could write non-fiction. Well guess what I actually can! I think its good to be exposed to different styles of writing. i never looked at objects in the way the class exposed me too. it gave me a whole new perspective. This class really got me excited about writing!

5. What have you learned about yourself as a writer?
As a writer I learned I can do more than I knew I could. As I mentioned before I didn’t think I could write nonfiction. Well it’s the end of the course and I wrote four nonfiction essays, go figure.

6. What features of your writing do you feel are most important for you to work on?
So I thought about this question for a bit because I wasn’t exactly sure. After looking at my long essays, I figured it out. I can be indecisiveness about my writing in terms of what parts aren’t necessary versus necessary. I tend to want to write everything out so the reader can understand and follow along. Sometimes it isn’t necessary and so I have to work on that. work on cutting out parts that arent neccessary and or irrevelent. Because I like to talk, my stories and such take more than a couple of pages.

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