Sunday, September 28, 2008

Blog # 6 Ranking the essays....

Didion " On Keeping a Notebook"
1.) overall the concept of this essay was for her to reflect back on the things she wrote on her notebook. based on that id give it a 4. 2.) 5 it is a segmented essay - journalism
3.) 2 it was only one point of view 4.) 1 there was only her perspective and view in her essay
5.) 4 there were many details in this story, which would give readers a clear view of the story.
6.) 5 story was very logical 7.) 5. sentences were free from error

2. The experience of this essay is the character is telling the stories of some notes she had written down in her notebook. she cant seem to figure out why she even wrote them down until after she tells them and realizes that these events happened for a reason but we wont know why until time goes on.

Alexie "Superman and Me"
1.) clear focus - 4 2.) segmented essay, yes so 5 3.) 2. only one view 4.) 1 only one perspective 5.) 3 use of superman and the idea of a paragraph as a fence 6.) 3 it was somewhat logical. 7.) 5 sentences were free from errors

2. The experience of this essay is this little boy learned to read with a Superman comic book. he loved reading and would read everywhere. This was a personal triumph for him because Indian children wre expected to fail in the non- Indian world and this boy refused to fail. he beat the odds and became a writer.

Beard "Out there"
1. ) 4. it was clear 2.) 1- it was a narrative 3.) 1 - was one point of view 4. ) 2 - only one perspective 5.) 3 - it was detailed 6.) 4 - story was logical i was able to follow along
7.) 5- sentences were free from errors

2. The experience of this essay is the author is explaining to the reader that it is important to be driven in life and stick to your own mindset. the idea that the lady was almost ran off the road goes along with the idea of someone was trying to block her thinking and throw her off.

1.) 5 it was clear as to what the purpose was. 2.) 5 - it was segmented. 3.) we saw Lotts point of view as well as some points of views from other writers 4.) 4- many perspectives5.) 2- wasnt as much vivid detail, i couldnt picture it. 6.) 4- it was logical 7.) 5 - sentences were free from error
2. the experience is to basically understand what creative nonfiction is. this essay by Lott would also recieve a high grade because it definitly was not a narrative and it followed the criteria.
Kincaid " Biography of a Dress"
1.) 1. 4- it was clear to the point i understood what Kincaid was telling readers 2.)
3.) 5 - it was segmented. 4.) 3 - we saw parts of the story through her perspective as well as her perspective.
5.) 4 - it was detailed from the dress and so on 6.) 4 put together well 7.) - 5 sentences free from error

2. The experience of this essay is the author is telling the stor of a pohotgraph taken in a yellow dress when she was two years old. this dress was important because her mother had made it for her. this relfection on the photograph made her realize how important her mother is to her.

Montaigne "That Men Should Not Judge"
1.) 2 2. 1 - it was narrative 3.) 2 4.) 1 5.) 2
6.) 2 7.) 5- sentences free from error
overall i dont feel montaigne would get a good grade based on the criteria for our personal essays. it was hard to truly rank because it really didnt fit the personal essay criteria.

2. The experience of this essay is simply the happiness of life. we have to learn how to act calm in chaos because if we dont the situation becomes worse.

Orwell Shooting an Elephant

1.) 4 - he didnt want to shoot the elephant but people in town did. 2. ) 1 - it was a narrative 3.) 1 - 4.) 3 - 5.) 4 it was detailed 6. 4- it was logical 7. 5- sentences were free from error
2. The experience of this essay is a police man has been called to kill an elephant who has gone out of control. the owner can't even control the elephant. the policeman is torn as to whether or not he should shoot this elephant. however the people in the town are cheering him, urging him to do so. disregarding his own feelings and emotions, the cop shoots and kills the elephant. he went along with everyone else when he really should have used his own judgement.

Schwartz " My Father Always Said"
1.) 5 - i was easily able to find the main idea 2.) 5 - it was definitly a segmented essay 3.) 2 4.) 3 - there was the perspective from her father and mimi as well 5.) 4- there were alot of details 6.) 5- the story was very well put together 7.) 5- sentences were free from error this essay would recieve the highest grade in my opinion

2. The experience of this essay is when Mimi Schwartz learns about her jewidsh heritage and the life her father lived. Based on their trip to the places in Germany, Schwartz realized she has a better life in America and would not change it for the world.

Drummond " Alive"
1.) 5. i was able to tell the main idea of the story right away 2.) 2- this story was more of a narrative 3.) 2 4.) - we only see her perspective 5.) 4 there were plenty of vivid details
6.) 4- story itself was in order 7.) 5- sentences were free from error

2. The experience of this essay is the concept of feeling paranoid thinking you are being followed. the author felt this man she kept running into was a serial killer since recently she learned one had escaped and killed a few women. this triggered the anixiety and paranoia in the author as she tried to escape. since paranoia is all in the mind it is very hard to escape. at the end the author realizes she is vulnerable because she is alive. We constantly think and act according to the feelings and thought we have.

Danticat " Westbury Place"
1.) 5. readers were able to figure out the story right away 2.) 5- yes it was a segmented essay 3.) 3 4.) 3. we see perspectives from the writer as well as her mother's perspective 5.) 5 it was very well described with plenty of detail 6. )4 story was logical 7.) 5- sentences were free from error

2. The experience of this essay is the author is telling the story of the day she was eevacuated from her aprtment because of a fire across the hall. In the apartment room that held the fire, two boys were dead because their mother left them along while she was grocery shopping. as the author tells this story she reflects and realizes that we get so caught up in the fantasy world, such as the soap opera General Hospital, and see how the characters' lives are perfect. their lives are perfect because they are scripted, however our lives arent. all we can do is sit back and say i shouldnt have, but even those three words cant change the past.

Oliver "Decent"

1.) 4- able to find clear focus 2.) 2- more narrative but with some reflection and thoughts 3.) 2 4.) 4- we see views from the woman, old man, and how boys felt 5.) 4- subway ride/scene was described well 6. )4 logical 7.) 5 sentences free from error

2. The experience of this essay is a young woman is riding on the subway train in New Yoprk City. she explains that often on these subways are weird and unique people, however on the subway on this particular day is a white man and three black boys. the white man is starting an argument with these three boys because they are blocking the subway doors and always seem to do so. the man was sick and tired of it and wanted the nonsense to end. the young woman among others kept watching to see what would happen as the argument was continuing. Having enough of it, the young woman gets up and approaches the older man. she tells him to back off because they are respectful boys. respectful wasnt the right word the author realizes as she walks away. instead she calls the boys decent as for they are really decent boys.

Thiel "Crossing the Border"
1.) 3. concept wasnt easy to get at first, had to read it a couple of times 2.) 1 it is a narrative
3. 2. 4.) we see the writers side as well as the spanish guy's view. 5.) 2. there werent as many vivid details 6.) 2. it was logical 7.) 5- sentences were free from errors

2. The experience of this essay is the girl " crossed the border" in terms of the language barriers. she kept saying yes not realizing what the man was saying.

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