Monday, September 29, 2008

Blog # 7 O'Brien

We all know what a war is. It involves two sides fighting for a particular reason. Unfortunatley they do not always end peacefully. In this case the war did not end peacefully. Many lives were lost. Wars are not made up, however how do we know what is true versus untrue? The truth is we don't know. There are parts of a story that are completely unbearable and hard to take in because it just doesnt seem like it really did or could happen. It seems unbelievable yet possibly could be the truth. The parts of a story that come off as being normal are the parts we could believe. Death was mentioned, and often people have a hard time believing a loved one is no longer with them, even when it is true. If they refuse to believe that, how or why are they going to believe something that isn't as dramatic? Yes wars do happen, but what is actually true about them? Where is the source? This is something we simply can't answer. We were not there, we only have to go by what was told. Whose to say what was said isn't true?
Another point is this story is a recount of past events. It is been known that when we retell a story we possibly leave certain things out or change them because it is us telling the story. It is like the game telephone. I say something to you, you pass it on to someone else, and then that person tells another person, and so on. When the story reaches the last person it will come out differently. There are so many questions we can ask and never recieve an actual answer. All we can do is hope, guess, and wonder.

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