Monday, October 13, 2008

Blog # 8: Experience and Reflection for my 2nd essay + ideas

Hey everyone, I hope you all had a nice Monday off =)

So I'm flipping through my journal looking for things that I noted and see whats popping out at me. I have a few things i could write about, but im not sure. I'm going to list some possible topics here and see what i can come up with.

  • The time my sister and her friend played a practical joke on me which scared the living hell out of me at Fright Fest. this could be a fun topic to write about. concept of fear of things that arent real like the fright fest workers

  • The time I was stuck at the top of a diving board.

  • The fear, I use to have, of going down the escalators.

  • My first ticket. Now im more cautious while on the road, because its like once you get pulled over you seem to be a "magnet" (concept of paranoia)

  • The day my brother left for college.

  • The computer game The Sims. Another favorite game I enjoyed was Tomba for playstation.

  • Coffee, hey it's on my mind haha.

  • The playhouse and doll house my dad built me when I was a little girl. Even though i remeber both i would probably be able to create a story out of the dollhouse one because i remeber it more vividly. P.S. i dont have them anymore....maybe along the lines of a childhood memory? (doll house)I remeber when my father was starting it and i saw the skelton of it in the garage on top of the pool table. he asked me about the colors and i remeber it was pink with a baby blue roof. the back was wide open, so i was able to play with it. i had the exact stop for it it was in the right corner near the stairs. it was three floors, the top being an attic. All the furniture and people were Playmobile and I remeber recieving different furniture set-ups for christmas and/or birthdays. The playhouse was a huge house that was in the backyard. it was light blue and white.
  • The jungle gym my father built for me and my siblings that was in our backyard. I remeber being so excited that i was on the swings at 8 in the morning and mom coming outside saying what are you doing on the swings so early? there were 2 swings, a yellow slide, sandbox underneath, climbing rope (whatever its called), two ladders, actual platform to go sit and hang out in, etc.

Overall these were some of the things that i found to be exciting in my journal. As of now im not sure what i would like to write about. Coming up with concepts from these stories is what I would have to do. Im good with the actual storytelling, i just have to focus more on the reflection aspect. Ok im going to stop now because i know i'm going to come up with more ideas and overwhelm myself.


Mego3322 said...

I think all your brainstorming sounded like good idea's. The two that I would think you could work off the best is the time you were scared on the diving board and the idea about the dollhouse your father built.
-With the diving board you can really build on the fear you felt that and if you actually jumped or came back down. Was there a great feeling after you jumped or was there a feeling of dissappointment when you got down and looked at the diving board and thought it wasn't as big as it felt. The concept here would obviously be fear and you can branch out to overcoming fear if you did actually over come your fears.
-With the doll house you can work on how much it meant to you and how it built the relationship with your dad. especially if you relationship is astranged now and you wish it could get back to where the relationship once was. The concept here could be love/relationship or childhood memories that shaped you.

Anonymous said...

All of these ideas have strengths to them, but the dollhouse/playhouse one seemed to strike a more visceral chord with you. Considering you were just jotting possible ideas, that was the one you touched on the most, with the most vivid and interesting details.

Consider what that dollhouse/playhouse meant for you then and what it means for you know; maybe it's a metaphor for something in your life?

It seems the focus on that would be the relationship between you and your father, and how those things he made for you illustrate that on some level.

The Cookie Monster said...


I'm jealous...I wish my dad built me a playhouse and a jungle gym :-(


Out of all your potential topics, I think the ones about the playhouse and the jungle gym would be the most interesting. The common link in both of those stories is your father building for you. Figuratively and literally, he was building a future for you. Your childhood experiences with the playhouse and junglegym and the connection your father had with those experiences can be expounded upon quite well in a story.

Diana said...

I think in order to narrow down your topics, maybe you should sit and write a little bit into what kinds of reflections your could make about each (since that's where you're having trouble) and then choose 2 or 3 you feel you would have the most to discuss in the reflection and then from there, narrow it down again by which topic is the most interesting to you, or that you would have the most to write about for the actual story.

They could all make really good essays, and I think it just comes down to which is the most exciting for you, and what you could make strong reflections about =)

Jenna said...

I love all your possible topics. I think that the ones that have a bit of a comdeic influence will be really great to read. I like the pratical joke idea and I'm curious about your diving board experience. What did you learn from the diving board experience? I think you have a ton of great ideas to write about. It will be interesting to see which one you pick!